
If you want, we can add retargeting functionality to your existing Aqua Ad Server account. This is an optional paid extra for your account.
Retargeting costs $20 per month when billed monthly.
When billed annually, the costs are $200 per year.
Features of the TargetiX plugin

Capturing behavioral data
Retargeting and behavioral targeting starts with capturing data about visitors, based on their surfing behavior, search behavior or demographic data.
The Retargeting plugin supports two types of data capturing: distinct values and counters:
- The plugin can capture variables with distinct values. This creates a variable with a name of your choice and sets the value of it.
- The plugin can also capture variables with counters. This will create a variable with the name of your choice, and stores a numeric value in it. If the variable exists already, it will increase or decrease the value of it. Using this feature you can capture recurring events, volumes and balances.

Targeting banners
The Retargeting plugin adds a delivery option to the existing set of targeting features (like page URL targeting, geotargeting, time of day targeting, and so on). The new feature enables delivering a banner to visitors who match specific criteria for the retargeting data that has been stored for them.
Using the new feature, a banner can be setup to be delivered only in specific situations:
- Only display this banner when ‘buyer’ equals ‘yes’
- Only display this banner when ‘number_of_children’ is greater than or equal to 1
- Only display this banner when ‘marial_state’ equals ‘married’ and ‘gender’ equals ‘female’

Dynamic banners
The Retargeting plugin can dynamically insert the value of any retargeting variable in a banner, thus customizing the banner for the visitor. This feature also supports a default value, to be used when the retargeting variable does not exist for a visitor. This feature is an extension of the magic macros feature.
The syntax for inserting a retargeting value in a banner is: {variable_name|default}
When a banner with a magic macro using a retargeting variable is delivered to a visitor, the plugin will instantly lookup that variable and replace the macro with the value of the variable. If the variable does not exist for the visitor, the default value will be used.

Site integration
The Retargeting plugin has a powerful API (application programming interface) that enables web masters and web developers to build comprehensive retargeting pixels. The API will return a 1×1 transparant pixel, so that it is invisible to site visitors.
The Retargeting plugin uses the database access channels, ensuring very fast data capturing and storage.
There is very little impact on the speed of ad delivery when banners with retargeting limitations are shown, because the Retargeting plugin uses the same caching mechanism that is used in all other parts of the system.
TargetiX plugin
All if this is enabled by the powerfull and well-established TargetiX plugin which has been developed by the Aqua Platform team.
More information about the plugins functionality can be found at
However, you won’t have to purchase a license or install anything. Instead, all you have to do is subscribe and our ad server operations team will configure everything for you.
Pricing for additional retargeting functionality for Aqua Ad Server account
Retargeting is an optional extra for any existing Aqua Ad Server Account.
Available pricing options:
- For a monthly payment frequency:
$ 20 per month (first month pro-rated) - For an annual payment frequency:
$ 200 per year (that’s a saving of almost 17%)
These costs are on top of the pricing for the account.
Request Retargeting for your Aqua Ad Server account
"*" indicates required fields
Enter your name and email, and the name of your account
Make sure to enter the exact same account name that was used when your account was created, so we can process it correctly.
After you send your request, you will receive a confirmation by email.
Following that, one of our support specialists will contact you to arrange the technical details.
Once the setup is completed, you will be invited to create a subscription for the extra functionality.